Following an unusually small number of applications for grants this year, and after making some initial awards, the parish council has decided to re-open the scheme to new applications. The deadline...
Playground refurbishment
Warlingham Parish Council has agreed a design for a refurbished playground at Hamsey Green Recreation Ground, off Verdayne Gardens, with Tandridge District Council (TDC) which owns the site. It is...
Tandridge District Council (TDC) consults the Parish Councils on Public Toilets
Warlingham Parish Council’s response. Public toilets are an essential part of the infrastructure of a town or large village and as the third largest settlement in Tandridge, Warlingham should...
Warlingham Green Improvement delayed until summer
Warlingham Parish Council has had to postpone the start of the construction phase of The Green Improvement Project for possibly six months, due to circumstances beyond its control. It had been...
Remembrance Day – call for volunteers
We are currently preparing for the popular Warlingham Green Remembrance Day commemoration which will take place on Sunday 10th November 2024. We are so grateful to all those who support this event...
More benches for school common
Warlingham Parish Council has funded three new benches for School Common, Warlingham. The benches will be made from recycled plastic, which looks like wood but lasts much longer and is virtually...
Fixing corners and verges
The latest result of Warlingham Parish Council’s collaboration with Surrey County Council (SCC) Highways has resulted in the restoration and improvement of a seriously damaged road corner in...
Grant Award Scheme 2024
Every year the Parish Council awards grants to community projects and organisations which benefit the people of Warlingham and now is the time to apply. We want to fund projects which: •...
Surrey Hills National Landscape (AONB*) Boundary Variation Project
In June 2021, Natural England announced that it would complete an assessment of whether to extend the boundaries of the Surrey Hills National Landscape, something that had not been considered since...
Surrey Grass Cutting Map
At this time of year, we get a lot of queries about the mowing of roadside grass verges which, in the main, is carried out by SCC. If you want to know when a particular piece of SCC grass verge will...
Supporting Biodiversity
Over the next year the County Council will be producing its first Local Nature Recovery Strategy for Surrey, setting out a county-wide vision for restoring biodiversity. It will be running a series...
Since 1 April 2023, on-street parking enforcement in Surrey has been carried out by Surrey County Council (SCC). Tandridge District Council remain responsible for parking enforcement within their car...
Children and Warlingham Community Library – A Success Story
Warlingham Community Library has had great success in engaging children in book reading and a whole range of other children’s activities. Staff and volunteers work hard to provide activities...
Play Equipment
Warlingham Parish Council has listened to a number of residents who have said that Tandridge District Council's play area at Hamsey Green Recreation Ground, behind Verdayne Gardens, is lacking in...
Warlingham Parish Council
Warlingham Parish Council (made up of 11 elected volunteers plus our parish clerk) works hard all year to ensure that Warlingham, the Green and the surrounding areas are maintained, nurtured and...
Grant Scheme closes 31st January 2025
The parish council recently decided to re-open the scheme to new applications but the deadline is fast approaching - 31th January 2025. So you need to be quick if you would like to apply. The...