

Since 1 April 2023, on-street parking enforcement in Surrey has been carried out by Surrey County Council (SCC). Tandridge District Council remain responsible for parking enforcement within their car parks, such as the shoppers car park in the centre of Warlingham.

Parish Councillors have, so far, been disappointed with the extent of on-street parking enforcement by SCC and note that parking on double-yellow lines and near junctions continuesto be a problem on many local roads. Parking restrictions exist for reasons of ensuring amenity for residents, maintaining a flow of traffic and access for emergency vehicles.

In an attempt to prevent inconsiderate and illegal parking within Warlingham, the Parish Council will be writing to our local County Councillor and the Leader of Surrey County Council seeking a targeted approach to street parking enforcement and greater use of penalty charge notices. If you see illegal or inconsiderate parking taking place, you can tell the team at SCC immediately by email at