

Supporting Biodiversity

Over the next year the County Council will be producing its first Local Nature Recovery Strategy for Surrey, setting out a county-wide vision for restoring biodiversity. It will be running a series...

It’s time for a new Parish Plan

It has been 15 years since the last Warlingham Parish Plan was adopted. The Plan was expected to cover a period until 2013 and so, as it is well out of date, we thought it’s time to prepare a new...

Common Land

As you may be aware, Tandridge District Council who manage Farleigh Common under a lease with the landowner Merton College, have given formal notice that they wish to relinquish this lease by the...


Since 1 April 2023, on-street parking enforcement in Surrey has been carried out by Surrey County Council (SCC). Tandridge District Council remain responsible for parking enforcement within their car...

Green Improvement Scheme

Back in April 2023, Parish Councillor Simon Morrow, Chair of the Project Steering Committee, provided a status report on the Green Improvement Scheme. The Council is now pleased to report that...

A Message from the Chairman

The annual meeting of the Parish Council took place on 10th May 2023 and, in accordance with statutory requirements, the positions of Chairman and Vice-Chairman were elected by the Council...

Play Equipment

Warlingham Parish Council has listened to a number of residents who have said that Tandridge District Council's play area at Hamsey Green Recreation Ground, behind Verdayne Gardens, is lacking in...