
Notification of an application for consent to carry out work on The Green

As part of the Warlingham Green Improvement Scheme, a new path will be created running from the new crossing point on the South side (in front of The Gallery) to the hard standing around the War Memorial. There will also be a minor amendment to a path on the North side linking it to the new crossing there, and some new tactile paving to serve the new crossing point on the West side (see the map displayed alongside).

As The Green itself is registered “Common Land” any building work on it, including new paths, requires the permission of the Secretary of State which is obtained by submitting a formal application. Interested parties, including the general public, need to be informed of this application and a notice erected at a place close to the site of the work – in this case, we’ve chosen the Council’s Notice Board, here at The Green (see the Notice displayed alongside).

This process has been established to ensure that designated Common Land remains open and accessible to the public and that any work undertaken maintains access and is generally appropriate.  The Parish Council is confident that these works are wholly appropriate and expects that permission will be given.

So, the Parish Council has completed an application and will submit this to the Secretary of State. The full application can be viewed at Warlingham Community Library, Shelton Avenue during opening hours. A copy of the notice will also be displayed on the Council’s website for a period ending 16th August 2024.

Any comments or objections to the proposals can be made by either writing to, or emailing, the Planning Inspectorate (who will act on behalf of the Secretary of State) as explained in the Notice.

The Planning Inspectorate will consider the application and any comments it receives. It will then advise the Parish Council of its decision.

Councillor Simon Morrow, Chairman of the Warlingham Green Improvement Project Steering Committee

WPC Notice The Green