
Looking back on 2023

At this time of year, it’s often good to reflect – so here’s a personal look at some of the events, activities and moments from the last twelve months, from a Parish Council perspective, that stand out for me.

Amongst other things:

  • Helping with the Remembrance Day parade and ceremony.
  • Supporting “Lighting Up Warlingham Green” at Christmas.
  • Running Warlingham Community Partnership Library with Surrey County Council to provide an increasing range of services, particularly books and activities for children.
  • Launching a Refurbishment and Community Hub project for the library too.
  • Enhancing the Common Land owned by the Council, including tree management work.
  • Commencing Phase 1 of The Green Improvement Project with Surrey County Council as contractor.
  • Reviewing 149 planning applications in Warlingham so far this year!
  • Awarding Grant Aid to local groups that serve and support our local community.
  • Lobbying Surrey County Council to refurbish some of the most damaged and poorly maintain verges and kerbs within the village.
  • Proposing joint funding arrangements with Tandridge District Council for new play equipment at Hamsey Green Recreation Ground.

We also supported the local event to honour of the coronation of His Majesty King Charles III, attended by so many of you, back in May.

Of course, it’s not just members of the Parish Council that contribute to making Warlingham such a great place. It’s all of you that make Warlingham a thriving community and you all deserve thanks for what you do. Thank you so much.

As always there’s still more to do and achieve. If you wish to volunteer, for example as a ‘snow angel’ (to help clear snow from around The Green) or join our library volunteers, please contact the Parish Clerk at There’s more information about our activities, and the local community, on this website.

Please also look out for news about a new Warlingham Parish Plan around the theme of “What would make Warlingham a better place for me?”. There will be more information on this in the New Year.

Whatever you’re doing over the festive period, everyone at the Parish Council wishes you a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year.

Nathan Adams

Chairman, Warlingham Parish Council