Warlingham Parish Council (made up of 11 elected volunteers plus our parish clerk) works hard all year to ensure that Warlingham, the Green and the surrounding areas are maintained, nurtured and protected and kept looking attractive so that it continues to be the wonderful place to live for us all.
Activity over the last year includes, but is not limited to:
- Statutory consultees for Tandridge planning applications in Warlingham
- Running and promoting our community library with Surrey through new initiatives
- The Green re-development scheme
- Installing mobile VAS (Vehicle Activated Signs)
- Maintaining and refreshing the hanging baskets around the green and the planters outside the Co-op
- Litter picking
- Maintenance and tree planting on the common land near Sainsbury’s, as well as installing bunds to protect the common land from incursion
- Match funding to have two churned up corners in Crewes Close widened
- Supporting the Christmas lights
- Custodianship and maintenance of the war memorial
- Remembrance Day parade
- Distribute grants to local organisations through our annual grant scheme
At the January meeting, all members of the council voted unanimously on the precept to ensure we are able to continue to fund current and new projects to keep our ever growing community a lovely place to be. The result of this is an additional £2.69 per annum on a Band D property. Warlingham parish remains one of the cheapest cost per household in Tandridge and we believe represents good value for money.
This year we will:
- Continue with all the above
- Maintain and develop new projects on the common land. These involve tree management and planting, grass cutting, repairs following vandalism, as well as unscheduled tree work (mainly due to ash dieback), hedge work, signage, and fences
- Support the library further with new marketing initiatives to increase community value and usage. We will also explore opportunities to create a ‘community hub’ at the library, bringing together a range of local services in one place.
- Develop a local nature action plan
- Implement playground and parks improvements – this could possibly include the installation of an outdoor gym somewhere central
- Initiate and support more local highways improvements
Warlingham Parish council meetings take place at 7.30 pm in Warlingham Library, Shelton Avenue, usually on the first Wednesday of the month, excluding August. Please come along to a meeting if you have any issues you wish to raise with the council or just to meet the councillors and see how we work. Our meetings are just the formal part – much work goes on in between the meetings.
If you need to contact the parish council at other times, please in the first instance contact the clerk at clerk@warlingham-pc.gov.uk. You can also find out about your councillors and current projects at https://warlingham-pc.gov.uk or see our Facebook Page