
Common Land

As you may be aware, Tandridge District Council who manage Farleigh Common under a lease with the landowner Merton College, have given formal notice that they wish to relinquish this lease by the Autumn. Their chief concern is the cost of land management e.g. grass cutting and tree management and so the question of who will manage the Common in future remains unanswered. Both Chelsham & Farleigh and Warlingham Parish Council representatives are seeking urgent progress between all parties to agree future management of this publicly accessible and biodiverse site,which also contributes so much to local landscape character.

The Common Land to the south of the Sainsbury’s roundabout on the Limpsfield Road is owned by Warlingham Parish Council. Council representatives recently inspected the site and drew up plans for tree maintenance (e.g. to remove any dead or diseased wood), brush-cutting of meadow edges and clearance of ditches.

We will keep you informed of these and other matters in future editions of CR6 and on our website Our website also has a link to the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty extension consultation where you can find the comments submitted by the Parish Council.

The Parish Council has also sent its response to the Local Government Boundary Commission’s consultation in respect of Tandridge. This important review will determine the District Council ward boundaries from next year – the consultation remains open to all to comment until 7 August 2023. For more information on this visit: