Warlingham Green is the focal point of the Village owned by Tandridge District Council and overseen
by Warlingham Parish Council. Both councils are committed to maintaining The Green in a clean and
attractive state and believe that the unregulated erection of banners and posters detracts from its
appearance. They have therefore agreed the rules and procedures set out below to protect it.
A maximum of three banners advertising not for profit community, charitable or school events
occurring in Warlingham, Chelsham or Farleigh will be allowed. School events must be fundraisers
not open-days etc. Any commercial content must not take up more than 15% of the banner’s
surface. Permission must first be obtained from Warlingham Parish Council via the Parish Clerk,
whose contact details are below, who must be contacted at least six weeks prior to the event.
The banners are to be erected not more than two weeks before the event and removed within two
days of it taking place. They must only be erected at the three corner points of The Green, and be
attached to signs and/or trees. If attached to a tree the banner must be tied rather than pinned.
Banners should meet the following specification:
• Width: between 1.5 and 2 metres; Height: between 0.5 and 1 metre
• Thickness: at least 2 millimetres; base max of 1 metre from the ground
• Rectangular in shape with an eyelet at each corner to secure it
• Produced to a professional standard made of hardwearing polymer and using either printed
or adhesive letters: no handwritten signs
• Letters to be 200 millimetres max
In the event of there being competing requests to put up banners, the Parish Council will decide
which event will take priority.
Note: permission given by Tandridge Council to hold an “event” on The Green does not constitute
permission to erect banners
Posters and A-Boards
No posters are to be put up on public property on The Green, including on the lampposts, railings,
bins and other street furniture on the pavements. Any posters put up will be removed.
Similarly A-Boards should not be stood on the central Green or pavements.
Contact Details
Warlingham Parish Council Clerk: Simon Bold, c/o Warlingham Community Library, Shelton Avenue,
Warlingham, Surrey, CR6 9NF; Tel: 07951 211498; Email: clerk@warlinghampc.org.uk