Council Members

Cllr. Jeremy Pursehouse, Chairman


Jeremy has lived in Warlingham for 39 years with his wife Wendy. They have four grown-up children, two of which still live in the village.

He has been a district councillor for Warlingham East, Chelsham and Farleigh for 29 of the last 33 years. He was co-opted to Warlingham Parish Council in June 2018 and to Chelsham and Farleigh Parish Council in October 2019.

He is currently Chairman of Tandridge District Council, chairman of Warlingham Fair, chairman of Warlingham Village Hall, a trustee, volunteer and member of the management committee of Blanchman’s Farm Local Nature Reserve, a member of Warlingham Events, MC and member of the Warlingham Christmas Lights Committee and commodore of Warlingham Yacht Club.

Member's Register of Interests

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