At this time of year it’s often good, once the Christmas rush subsides, to reflect – so here’s a look at some of the events, activities and moments from the last twelve months, from a Parish Council perspective, that stand out.
Amongst other things,
- Helping with the Remembrance Day parade and ceremony
- Supporting “Lighting Up Warlingham Green” at Christmas
- Working with Surrey County Council to run Warlingham Community Library and providing an increasing range of popular services and facilities
- Organising four Warlingham Walks in August
- Maintaining the Common Land and undertaking tree management and new planting
- Overhauling the lights at the War Memorial to LEDs to reduce consumption and give more reliable illumination.
- Providing an additional Public Access Defibrillator at the Harrow Inn
- The tributes we, and others, gave in recognition and thanks to Queen Elizabeth II for her unwavering dedication to public service – truly inspiring!
Of course, it’s not just members of the Parish Council that contribute to making Warlingham such a great place. It’s all of you that make Warlingham a thriving community and I think you all deserve thanks for what you do – big and small.
As always there’s still more to do and achieve. If you wish to volunteer, for example as a ‘snow angel’ (to help clear snow from around The Green) or join our library and tree working groups, please contact the Parish Clerk at
And there’s more information about our activities, and the local community, on our website where we will post further news on the Green Improvement Scheme when we have it.
Whatever you’re doing over the festive period, everyone at the Parish Council wishes you a Merry Christmas and very Happy New Year.