
A Message from the Chairman

The annual meeting of the Parish Council took place on 10th May 2023 and, in accordance with statutory requirements, the positions of Chairman and Vice-Chairman were elected by the Council members.

I am pleased to say that I was re-elected as Chairman and I look forward to serving the community and Council for a further year. Councillor Simon Morrow was elected as Vice-Chairman, taking on the role from Cindy Steer, who I wish to thank for her help, and ongoing support.

Later in the meeting, the Council re-appointed members to its Planning, Green Improvement and Library Management Committees. The Chairs of the latter two Committees are Councillors Morrow and Keith Prew respectively, who also deserve thanks for their exceptional contribution to these key areas of Council activity. The members of the Planning Committee will continue to be Councillors Matthew Elmer, Debbie Mayhew and Anna Patel – this Committee usually meets every three weeks and has delegated authority to comment on planning applications across the Parish – thanks to all my fellow Council members, volunteers and residents for all the assistance they provide.

The Council also considered and approved its Annual Governance and Accountability return 2022/23. Notices throughout this statutory auditing process (applicable to all Parish & Town Councils in England) will appear on the Council’s notice board and website at  Thank you to our Clerk and Responsible Finance Officer, Simon Bold for his support in all aspects of the Council’s work.

In the coming months the Council will continue to focus on numerous projects and activities such as improvements to The Green, enhancements to the library, care of the War Memorial and support of our Remembrance Day and other annual events, grants and support to community groups and organisations, e.g. the Christmas Lights Committee and environmental enhancements including at the Common Land. We’ll also continue discussions with other authorities to seek improvements to kerbs, verges, roads and play equipment provision.

For more information, please contact the Clerk in the first instance by email or phone 07951 211498.

We will also be hosting the Annual Parish Assembly at the Village Hall on the 31st May at 7:30pm, which will include a Q&A session, and we will also have a stall at the Warlingham Fair on the 17th June 2023 – come along and meet your local Council representatives. We all look forward to seeing you.

Nathan Adams, Chairman
Warlingham Parish Council